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April 11, 2023

Cecil 7.35.0 released


New asset filter and functions for images

Convert an image to the WebP format:

{{ asset|webp }}

Documentation →

Build srcset attribute from an asset and retrieve available sizes for a given class name:

{{ image_srcset(asset) }}
{{ image_sizes('class') }}

Documentation →


{% set photo = asset('photo.jpg') %}
  <source type="image/webp" srcset="{{ image_srcset(photo|webp) }}" sizes="{{ image_sizes('photo') }}">
  <img src="{{ url(photo) }}" width="{{ photo.width }}" height="{{ photo.height }}" alt="" class="photo" srcset="{{ image_srcset(photo) }}" sizes="{{ image_sizes('photo') }}">


  • Disable dataurl filter for SVG
Release notes on GitHub