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Composants de thème

Les composants de thème sont des thèmes partiels, qui viennent ajouter des fonctionnalités à un site existant, telles qu’un Service Worker, un player audio, l’intégration à Netlify, etc.


The PWA component theme for Cecil provides helpers to implement a Web manifest and a service worker to turn a website into a Progressive Web App.

Code source Documentation

Quick download

composer require cecil/theme-pwa

MIT License

Font Awesome

The Font Awesome component theme for Cecil provides helpers to use Font Awesome icons.

Code source Documentation

Quick download

composer require cecil/theme-fontawesome

MIT License


The Netlify component theme for Cecil provides support of Netlify's _redirects and _header.

Code source Documentation

Quick download

composer require cecil/theme-netlify

MIT License

Netlify CMS

The Netlify CMS component theme for Cecil provide support of Netlify CMS.

Code source Documentation

Quick download

composer require cecil/theme-netlifycms

MIT License


The Podcast component theme for Cecil provide templates to publish an audio show on the web.

Code source Documentation

Quick download

composer require cecil/theme-podcast

MIT License