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Because Cecil is powered by PHP it's easy to extend its capabilities.

Pages Generator

A Generator help you to create pages without Markdown files (with data from an API or a database for example) or alter existing pages.

Just create a new PHP class in the Cecil\Generator namespace and add the class name to the pages.generators list.



namespace Cecil\Generator;

use Cecil\Collection\Page\Page;
use Cecil\Collection\Page\Type;

class DummyPage extends AbstractGenerator implements GeneratorInterface
    public function generate(): void
        // create a new page $page, then add it to the site collection
        $page = (new Page('my-page'))
            ->setBodyHtml('<p>My page body</p>')
            ->setVariable('language', 'en')
            ->setVariable('title', 'My page')
            ->setVariable('date', now())
            ->setVariable('menu', ['main' => ['weight' => 99]]);


namespace Cecil\Generator;

use Cecil\Collection\Page\Page;
use Cecil\Collection\Page\Type;

class Database extends AbstractGenerator implements GeneratorInterface
    public function generate(): void
        // create pages from a SQLite database
        $db = new SQLite3('database.sqlite');
        $statement = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM blog');
        $result = $statement->execute();
        while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
            $page = (new Page($row['page-id']))
                ->setVariable('title', $row['title'])
                ->setVariable('date', $row['date']);


    # priority: class name
    99: Cecil\Generator\DummyPage
    35: Cecil\Generator\Database

Twig extension

You can add custom functions and filters:

  1. create a Twig extension in the Cecil\Renderer\Extension namespace
  2. add the PHP file in the extensions directory
  3. add the class name to the configuration



namespace Cecil\Renderer\Extension;

class MyTwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension
    public function getFilters()
        // add a new filter named 'md5'
        return [
            new \Twig\TwigFilter('md5', 'md5'),


    MyExtension: Cecil\Renderer\Extension\MyTwigExtension

Output Post Processor

You can post process page output.

Just create a new PHP class in the Cecil\Renderer\PostProcessor namespace and add the class name to the `output.postprocessors list.



namespace Cecil\Renderer\PostProcessor;

use Cecil\Collection\Page\Page;

class MyProcessor extends AbstractPostProcessor
    public function process(Page $page, string $output, string $format): string
        // add a meta tag to the head of the HTML output
        if ($format == 'html') {
            if (!preg_match('/<meta name="test".*/i', $output)) {
                $meta = \sprintf('<meta name="test" content="Test">');
                $output = preg_replace_callback('/([[:blank:]]*)(<\/head>)/i', function ($matches) use ($meta) {
                    return str_repeat($matches[1] ?: ' ', 2) . $meta . "\n" . $matches[1] . $matches[2];
                }, $output);

        return $output;


    MyProcessor: Cecil\Renderer\PostProcessor\MyProcessor

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