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A simple and powerful content-driven static site generator.

Quick Start
December 8, 2023
Cecil 8.0.0 released
August 16, 2023
Cecil 7.45.0 released
Fast & Secure

No database, no server, no dependency: performance and security.

Files only

Your content is stored in Markdown flat files with a front matter.


Powered by Twig, a flexible template engine, with themes support.

Multiples generators

Pagination, sitemap, redirections, robots.txt, taxonomies, RSS are generated automatically.

Images optimization

Responsive images are generated automatically, converted to WebP and compressed to reduce load time.

Internationalization & localization

Multilingual capabilities with content localization and templates translation.

SEO friendly

Cecil provides SEO helpers to generate Open Graph meta tags, structured data and more.

No installation

Download one file and run it with PHP.

Easy to deploy

Create & deploy a new blog in 1 minute.
Deploy to Netlify Deploy to Vercel

Open source

Participate in development of Cecil via GitHub.

Start with the CLI
curl -LO https://cecil.app/cecil.phar
php cecil.phar new:site
php cecil.phar serve

Intuitive writing experience

Cecil’s Markdown parser provides a simple way to write your content. It’s easy to learn and easy to use.

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Modern template engine

Cecil’s templating, powered by Twig, provides the easiest way to build any website: blog, portfolio, ecommerce, etc.

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A ready to use blog

The Butler is a ready to use starter blog with a user friendly CMS, powered by Cecil.

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Build a documentation website quickly

Statidocs is a powerful documentation starter on top of Cecil.

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Broadcast your podcast simply

Staticast is a ready to use Progressive Web App to publish your podcast, with a RSS feed ready for syndication platforms, and a user friendly CMS.

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Self hosted photo stream

Photo Stream is a self hosted static website for your photos, with really goods loading performances.

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Cecil is generously supported by